Tuesday, March 17, 2009

precious life

You are unhappy, salary is low, work is like shit!, don't have much friends, suffer many many fucking things in life!!, society is unfair and many many god damn little things you probably can complain about or even me! complained about it almost everyday yeah i admitted that. After reading this article this morning things in my mind starting to slowly change.....your life is more precious as you might thing it is, you probably in a better situation right now than some other people out there.

Hope the pictures here can really give us some motivation in life and tech us that we as a human being should never take anything for granted because life is not a storyboard you know, you can't erase it off and draw it again again and again, we can't change the past instead of improving and living in a better way in a present day. The pursuit of happiness is within us is just a matter if you can bring it out or not....

"Are you till complaining? Observe around you and thankful for all that you have in this transitory life time. We are fortunate, we have much more that what we need to be content. Lets try not to feed this endless cycle of consumerism and immortality in which this "modern and advanced" society forgets and ignores the other two thirds of our brothers and sisters. Let's us complain less and give more...."

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